What We Do

The Cairn Project connects girls+ with the great outdoors.

Scholarships. Community. Storytelling. Our programs are dynamic, and the thru-line is this: we want to see – and support – more girls+ learning and growing outside.

A Cairn Project ambassador smiles for a selfie in front of Horseshoe Bend


Getting Out & Giving Back

We mobilize a broad community of support under the mandate of “More Girls Outside.” Our adventure-driven crowdfunding ambassador program scholarships for outdoor opportunities for girls around the US.


Community & Connection

We’re a hub for a growing group of women+ who want to catalyze outdoor passion into a force for good and raise the profile of women and girls in outdoor adventure. For our grantees, we create space to share, learn, and collaborate.


Telling Our Stories

Representation matters – in leadership, in programming, and especially in media. We share the voices and stories of women in our adventure community who are doing triumphant things outside.

Our Past Grantees

Community changemakers getting more girls+ outside. Explore our interactive grantee map to learn about the programs we’re supporting around the US.

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“Receiving support from The Cairn Project feels like lying back on a sun-warmed granite slab alongside an alpine lake after a long hike — restorative and exciting. We are stoked by your vision for girls and the outdoors.”

Emily Highleyman

Wild Whatcom – Grantee

A group of girls poses for a group photo on the side of a hiking trail surrounded by aspens

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