
Unlock ‘How to Use Your Adventure For Your Career Goals’ Workbook

Use any adventure (or your adventure fundraiser!) to support your career goals.

Just because it wasn’t “for work” doesn’t mean you can’t use an adventure fundraiser to support your career! Completing an adventure highlights your ideation, planning, critical thinking, communications, fundraising and leadership skills. The Cairn Project Trailblazer program can help you put into words how your adventurous experience highlights your unique skills, even when it comes to finding a job you love.

If you love adventure, growth, and connection with nature, we have a feeling you’d be a perfect fit to join our Trailblazer program! Not only do you “Get Out, Give Back,” but you also get those unexpected benefits. It’s a win-win. 

What you’ll get:

  • A nine page workbook with five activities that build on each other to create a clear and concise way to use your adventure to advance your career goals.
  • A quarterly newsletter with The Cairn Project updates.

Why you need this free resource:

  • There are so many ways doing an adventure fundraiser can get you closer to your career goals and advance your skills. This ‘How to Use Your Adventure For Your Career Goals’ workbook is an easy way to get started.
  • Girls are 16% less likely to go outside for free play in preschool. 20% fewer young women ages 6-24 participate in outdoor activities. By the age of 60, women are 35% less likely to do outdoor activities. Don’t love those numbers? We don’t, either. Let’s change them together.
Dawson Roxy Three Sisters Loop
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Roxanne Dawson was born and raised on the east coast but found her true stride rolling around the west in a van. She is part community manager, part journalist, part editor and now splits her time between her van and Golden, Colorado, where she lives with her husband, adventure pup, and son. She is most alive when her community is close, the environment is thriving, and nature is truly accessed by all that wish to enjoy it.